The visiting professor

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// The visiting professor

The Project is expected to employ twelve visiting professors in the participating scientific disciplines:

  • Automation, Electronics, Electrical
  • Engineering, and Space Technologies,
  • Mechanical Engineering,
  • Astronomy,
  • Physical Sciences.

The project aims to develop common research areas in the field of process robotisation using intelligent network systems. This is intended to significantly increase the research potential of the University of Zielona Góra in this area and increase its prestige in the region. This will be achieved, among other things, through the transfer of knowledge and research results to the region’s industrial infrastructure and the emergence of new specialised personnel to work on new technologies.

Detailed information on the ongoing research can be found in the descriptions of individual Centers of Excellence related to the respective disciplines on the project website:

Visiting professors from renowned global research centers are sought to teach students and present trends and results of the latest research at scientific seminars organized for UZ researchers, doctoral candidates and students, as well as representatives from the regional industry.

Employment Duration:
2 weeks

Candidates applying for employment should contact the managers of the respective teams:


  • A scientific title of professor or employment as a professor at another university, foreign university, or foreign research institution, or in a position of professor at an institute within the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), a research institute, or an international institution.
  • Not holding Polish citizenship;
  • Conducting teaching activities for students (Bachelor’s, Master’s, or participants of the Doctoral School of Exact and Technical Sciences at UZ) and presenting trends and results of the latest research during scientific seminars organized for academic staff, doctoral candidates, and UZ students, as well as representatives from the regional industry. The type and extent of teaching activities and seminar topics will be determined in consultation with the head of the relevant team;
  • The candidate cannot be employed at UZ on the basis of an employment relationship.
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