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admin May 11, 2024 0 Comments

Press conference on the project ‘Centres of Excellence in Science and Technology at the University of Zielona Góra’, which received funding of PLN 13,100,637 – 10 May 2024.

The project ‘Centres of Excellence in Science and Technology at the University of Zielona Góra’, worth more than PLN 13 million, was announced at a press conference held at the University of Zielona Góra on Friday.

The conference was attended by Prof. Dr. Justyna Patalas-Maliszewska, Chair of the project team, and Dr. Maria Przybylska, Prof. UZ, Coordinator of the project team and also Head of the Centre for Submicrometer Physics, Automation and Robotics in Data Analysis.

Also there were the managers of the research centres that will be set up as part of the project: Prof. Robert Smoleński, D.Sc. – head of the Centre for Electrical Power Systems and Robotics for the Centre for Autonomous Space Monitoring, Sławomir Kłos, Ph. UZ – Head of the Centre for Sustainable Cooperation of Man and Machines in Eco-Innovative Manufacturing, Marcin Mrugalski, Ph.D., Prof. UZ – Head of Task No. 5 Development of patent applications for the European Patent Office or patent offices outside Europe (‘patent centre’).

Centres of Excellence in Science and Technology at the University of Zielona Góra

The ‘Centres of Excellence in Science and Technology at the University of Zielona Góra’ project is interdisciplinary and will be implemented by four disciplines:

  • automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technology,
  • mechanical engineering
  • astronomy
  • physical sciences.

The discipline of automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technology plays a leading role in the project.
During the implementation of the project, common research areas should emerge in the field of robotisation of processes with the use of intelligent network systems, which is expected to lead to a significant increase in the research potential of the University of Zielona Góra in this area and increase its prestige in the region through, among other things, the transfer of knowledge and research results to the industrial infrastructure of the region and the emergence of new specialised personnel to work on new technologies.

It will also result in permanent research cooperation with major research and academic centres at home and abroad. The project initiators are also planning applications to the European Patent Office and participation in NCN, NCBiR and European Commission-funded projects.

Strengthening the University of Zielona Góra

The authors of the project would like its implementation to change the image of the Lubuskie Voivodeship in the development of innovative industry and green economy. This will be made possible by the construction of four centres of cutting-edge technology and knowledge in the Lubuskie region at the University of Zielona Góra, namely:

Centre for electrical power systems and robotic automation systems, (Prof. Robert Smoleński, Prof. Paweł Szcześniak)
Centre for sustainable human-machine collaboration in eco-innovative manufacturing (Prof. Sławomir Kłos),
Centre for submicrometer physics, automation and robotics in data analysis (Prof. Maria Przybylska),
Centre for autonomous space monitoring (Prof. Andrzej Maciejewski)
and conducting work on patent applications for the European Patent Office or patent offices outside Europe (‘patent centre’) (Prof. Marcin Mrugalski).

This will also strengthen the position of the University of Zielona Góra and, importantly, reduce competition from external academic centres and the loss of educated staff or talented secondary school graduates. In addition, it will contribute to increasing the prestige of Lubuskie’s universities as teaching and research centres. There will also be an increase in opportunities related to the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies in Lubuskie enterprises and increased cooperation between business and UZ.

Training of highly qualified staff

Today we are participating in the fourth industrial revolution based on digital solutions and mass production and data processing, the implementation of robotisation in production processes. It is intended that research, new technologies in the areas of robotisation, automation, mechanisation, energy storage, artificial intelligence and the digital economy will lead to a profound transformation of the global economy in the near future. Human-machine interface-friendly technologies are emerging, technologies that enable machine-to-machine communication, and robotisation is becoming more common. Human/machine barriers are disappearing leading to the realisation of the smart factory concept.

It is therefore very important to prepare for and be involved in these changes, by training a highly qualified workforce, creating new technologies and working more closely with industry. Thus, the role of the University is changing by incorporating research and ongoing teaching to support and shape this transformation.

Increasing the competitiveness of UZ research groups

The consequence is to increase the competitiveness of UZ research groups in the development of new technologies at international level. At the same time, it means the formation of a modern research staff at the University of Zielona Góra, recognised in the scientific world through international research collaborations, which will be able to have a positive impact on industry in the Lubuskie region and consequently on the education provided there at all levels of education.

The activities undertaken as part of the project will be carried out in synergy with projects and research that have been ongoing for many years and will incorporate interdisciplinary collaboration between research groups from the four scientific disciplines involved in the project.

Increasing the effectiveness of research fundraising

In addition, these activities will be carried out in international cooperation, including with leading European and global centres. The project will also contribute to increasing the effectiveness of fundraising for scientific research, increasing the quality of education in faculties assigned to the following scientific disciplines: automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technology; astronomy; mechanical engineering; physical sciences, also by including in the curriculum the most up-to-date scientific knowledge, information about modern technologies and their implementation, involving interested students in scientific research, assistance in participating in interesting internships or apprenticeships. It is worth highlighting the unique interdisciplinary nature of the project, which includes two disciplines in science and life sciences (astronomy and physical sciences) and two disciplines in engineering sciences (automation, electronics, electrical and space engineering and mechanical engineering), which guarantees a very high level of research, an increase in innovation, but also experience in cooperation with regional industry and experience in developing and implementing technologies.

Regional Excellence Initiative

Last year, a pilot programme called the ‘Regional Excellence Initiative’ ended at the University of Zielona Góra with the project ‘Materials Research Engineering Laboratory’. Thanks to the research potential gained, new research topics have emerged, including prestigious ones carried out in collaboration with renowned research and academic centres worldwide, e.g. FEMTO-ST (France), Rice University (USA), University of Malta (Malta) or University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy). The scientific disciplines that apply in the current Regional Excellence Initiative Project are beneficiaries of a total of 22 projects (NCN, Horizon and others). This is a guarantee that the Project will be carried out according to the best scientific standards.


Prepared by: Leszek Kalinowski | Source:gazetalubuska.pl | Photographs: Jacek Katos

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